Friday, December 28, 2012

Trout Magnet Crank

I picked up some trout magnet Crank-baits off of Amazon a few week or two back. Im just now getting around to sticking them in my tackle packs. I wanted to throw up a few first impressions.

From what i can tell they are re-branded Matzuo lures. I love Matzou cranks for the true running and hard flashing colors I've been using them for a few years now. While the trout magnets don't have the flashing colors they do have some muted trout specific colors and the Matzuo the flashing ones.

 Here you can see the two in the packages. 3.5 inch brown trout magnet crank and a 3.5 inch gold/black Matzuo.

A side view shows the same body shape, hook placement and dive lip.

Another view of the front lip.

Here you can see the molded scales on the body. Looks the same.

Here you can see a 2.5 inch trout magnet crank and a 2 inch Rainbow Matzuo. As you can see the Matzuo has a lot of scares from the trout.

I haven't had a chance to get these in the water yet but my initial impressions are good. If they preform as good as the Matzuo lures these will work great. Now I look forward to hooking in to some monster trout with these 3.5 inchers.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Miscellaneous Pictures 2012

Happy New year! I must apologize I have not keep this blog up as much as I would have liked to. One of my new year resolutions is to do just that. I plan on buying a Gopro Hero 3 so hopefully I can share some videos with you also. Some of the new fishing I would like to do in 2013 is first off concentrate more on fly fishing for trout and panfish. I also plan on buying a 7 or 8 wt setup and try to catch some Gar and Carp on Percy Priest Lake. Is there anything new you want to try?

24lb 3oz Flathead

April 2012
Deep sea fishing April 2012

Stewart creek in Smyrna, TN
Don't get Jealous. 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

CoE plans to restrict water access near dams.

Some of you maybe aware of the Army Corps of Engineers plans to restrict water access below Cumberland river water shed dams. You can read the press release here. From what I understand this will include all dams that eventually connect to the Cumberland river.

These new regulations will not just effect trout fishing but also stripper, walleye and many other species that collect below and above dams. You may not fish below dams (I only fish below the Center hill dam) But as with all government regulations this eventually these restricted areas will spread.

This is the area at the Center hill dam that will be restricted.
The CoE claim that they are doing this for safety of the public. Yet they are going to allow bank fishing below these dams in designated areas. When the generators and/or sluice gates are open these areas are turbulent too. It would seem that if safety is the concern that all areas would be off limits.

What can we do to stop this? Well it seems not much. Unfortunately the CoE are dead set on pushing through these regulations. I would recommend contacting your elected Representatives.

Senator Lamar Alexander (statewide) 
Senator Bob Corker (statewide)
Congresswoman Diane Black (6th District)
Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn (7th District) 
Congressman Jim Cooper (5th District)
Congressman Scott Desjarlais (4th district)